Thursday, July 21, 2005

Publishers to Poets

Manuel Ramos

In previous La Bloga posts we have mentioned several publishers who specialize in Chicana/o writers. Here's a short list that is open to additions. These outfits help spread the word. Support them.

Arte Público Press
Bills itself as "the nation's largest and most established publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by U.S. Hispanic authors. Its imprint for children and young adults, Piñata Books, is dedicated to the realistic and authentic portrayal of the themes, languages, characters, and customs of Hispanic culture in the United States. Based at the University of Houston, Arte Público Press, Piñata Books and the Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage project provide the most widely recognized and extensive showcase for Hispanic literary arts, history, and politics."

Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe
This press's website says that "Bilingual Review Press publishes literary works, scholarship, and art books by or about U.S. Hispanics under the name Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe. We also produce the literary/scholarly journal Bilingual Review, distribute more than 1,000 titles by other presses, and are the exclusive distributor of books by Latin American Literary Review Press.

Since its founding in 1973, Bilingual Review Press has been committed to publishing high-quality writing by both established and emerging writers. With more than 150 titles in our backlist, we publish books in English, Spanish, and bilingual format, although most of our books are written in English. In addition, classics of Chicana and Chicano literature are being kept alive and available through the Press's Clásicos Chicanos/Chicano Classics imprint."

Calaca Press
Calaca Press is a "Chicano family-owned small publishing house dedicated to publishing and producing unknown, emerging, and established progressive Chicano and Latino voices. With a commitment to social justice and human rights Calaca Press strives to bring about change through the literary arts. From poetry and the spoken word to fiction and creative non-fiction Calaca Press is determined to showcase authors from a community that has been marginalized and pushed to the side in literary circles, and in the real world, for far too long. Recognizing the need for more publishers of Chicano and Latino literature Calaca Press also actively encourages and assists individuals to self publish and/or start their own presses. Understanding the need for historical continuation Calaca Press is committed to continuing the tradition of the Chicano and Latino presses and publishing houses of the 1960's and 1970's that flourished due to community support and the need to have our stories told. ¡Calacadelante!"

Chusma House Publications
Charley Trujillo's enterprise describes itself this way: "Chusma House Publications has been publishing the works of Chicano and Chicana writers for over a decade. From its inception, Chusma House has decided to eschew commercial and mainstream literature, and instead concentrate on works of worth and significance. We are committed to the publication of high-quality writing by both established and emerging writers. Chusma House has also begun to publish select multi-cultural literature.

Chusma House was started in 1990 by Charley Trujillo with his first, groundbreaking narrative, Soldados: Chicanos in Viet Nam. Due to the book's unprecedented success, Charley forewent his college teaching career to devote full attention to publishing and writing."

Wings Press
This is Bryce Milligan's baby. The website simply says: "Welcome to Wings Press, Texas' oldest small press. We currently offer over 50 titles published between 1977 and next month. Come on inside to discover the real corazón of American small press publishing." Here you will find many fine authors and books.

The following is from Denver's official website

Related Links
Denver Poet Laureate Web Site
Denver Office of Cultural Affairs
News Archive: Mayor Names Denver's Poet Laureate

JULY 07, 2005 -- The Denver Office of Cultural Affairs is currently seeking applicants for the honorary post of Denver Poet Laureate. This post was established in September 2004 with Mayor John Hickenlooper’s posthumous appointment of Abelardo "Lalo" Delgado as Denver’s first Poet Laureate. Delgado’s special appointment was made for a period of one year with a new Poet Laureate to be named in the fall of 2005.

Abelardo Lalo Delgado

The honorary post of Denver Poet Laureate is meant to increase the general awareness and appreciation of poetry in Denver and to provide support to the fields of poetry and literature. In addition to other activities that the Poet Laureate may choose to undertake, he or she may occasionally be called upon to read from his or her body of work at official city functions.

To be eligible, applicants must (1) be a legal resident of Colorado and have lived in the Denver metropolitan area for at least seven of the last ten years, (2) have authored at least one published volume of poetry of 48 pages or more (non self- or vanity-publication), or published at least three poetry volumes of 16 pages or more (non self- or vanity-publications) in the last ten years and (3) be recognized by peers in the literary community as having made a significant contribution to that community.

The basic term of the Denver Poet Laureate is two years, renewable for a maximum of eight years in the post. The Poet Laureate serves at the pleasure of the current mayor.

A Poet Laureate Selection Committee has been set up to review all applications and will submit up to three candidates to the mayor for consideration. The Selection Committee is composed of representatives from Denver’s literary community, poetry organizations, related businesses, local colleges and universities and other individuals interested in the field of poetry, and is chaired by a member of the Denver Commission on Cultural Affairs.

The complete guidelines and application form may be obtained from the Denver Poet Laureate website at, or by calling 303-640-6952.

The deadline for applications is August 31, 2005.

Posted by Betsy Kimak, Internet Site Administrator, Customer Information Services.
Source: Denver Office of Cultural Affairs

One thing the above announcement does not say: An annual honorarium of $2,000 is provided by the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs.


  1. Yeah, Anthony is great. I haven't seen him for a while, assume he is still in the Denver area. Frankly, though, what are the odds that a second Chicano would be named poet laureate? Shouldn't matter, but ...

  2. about the same odds as the demographic
    who have anything to write about
    I would imagine
    'sides, he beats most
    page per page
    (he's getting his doctorate in education at cu
    still living in Denver)
    this thought, first thought
    just scrolling through the long list
    of *good* poets truly from Denver
    second thought: Phil Woods

  3. What a thoughtful and truly helpful post! Gracias. I so enjoy La Bloga.

  4. You are quite welcome. Glad you found the info helpful/useful. The Bloqueros here at La Bloga will continue to support and inform about the literature as long as we know that folks are checking in with us. Stay tuned for more exciting developments.

  5. La Bloga,
    Six years later "Publishers to Poets" is still an excellent resource. Gracias
    Sonia Gutiérrez

  6. Six years later "Publishers to Poets" is still an excellent resource. Gracias!
    Sonia Gutiérrez


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