Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2010 Macondo Workshop Online Application


Submit an application to join the Macondo Writers' Workshop in 2010. Leslie Marmon Silko will be leading the Famosa Workshop. Sandra Cisneros will also be co-teaching a workshop with Lourdes Portillo in her yellow office Casa Xochitl. Application deadline is January 29, 2010. First-year online applications are available online. Visit to apply.

Mission Statement

An association of socially-engaged writers united to advance creativity, foster generosity, and honor community.

Organizational History

The Macondo Foundation, Inc., is committed to bringing together a diversity of writers crossing borders of all kinds. As an association of socially-engaged writers united to advance creativity, foster generosity, and honor community, the Macondo Foundation attracts generous and compassionate writers who view their work and talents as part of a larger task of community-building and non-violent social change.

Officially incorporated in 2006, the Macondo Foundation has its roots in the Macondo Writers’ Workshop, which began in 1998, in the kitchen of poet and writer Sandra Cisneros. The Workshop rapidly grew from 15 participants to more than 120 participants in less than 9 years.

The Macondo Workshop has been more successful every year, expanding community involvement through annual events with the Our Lady of the Lake University, UT-San Antonio, Trinity University, Esperanza Peace and Justice Center, Jump-Start Performance Theatre, Casa de Maria y Marta and the Bexar County Juvenile Detention Center. We would especially like to acknowledge the generosity of Our Lady of the Lake University.

Macondo currently makes its home at Our Lady of the Lake University. Recent Macondo Foundation undertakings include the Gloria Anzaldua Milagro Award, meant to care for our community’s writers in a time of needed healing; health insurance coverage to our member writers; the Elvira Cordero Cisneros Award, and the Casa Azul Residency Program.

Along with the commitment and vision of Macondo’s founder, Sandra Cisneros, Macondo enjoys the ongoing support and participation of other internationally recognized writers, including Denise Chavez, John Phillip Santos, Luis Rodriguez, Dorothy Allison, Joy Harjo, Carmen Tafolla, and a large body of emerging writers who are also publishing books, touring in the U.S. and abroad, and working in their communities.

1 comment:

  1. Saludos, estoy organizando una Gira Virtual para la novela “El Valle de la Inspiración”, por Alexandra Román de Hernández. Nos gustaría que usted y su blog (bitácora) formaran parte de este evento. Comuníquese con nosotros para enviarle la información, lo puede hacer a través de Ivelisse Sanchez ( o con la autora Alexandra Román de Hernández ( Esperamos escuchar pronto de usted.
    Gracias, Alexandra Román de Hernández.


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