Saturday, August 21, 2010


Flor y Canto, 35 years later

In less than a month, the Festival de Flor y Canto. Yesterday • Today • Tomorrow
will take place at the University of Southern California in El Lay, Sept. 15-17.

The program delightfully promises that: "Each day comes with its own artistic delights and once-in-a-lifetime engagement with poets and writers in a small intimate setting."

Among many others, Manuel Ramos, Daniel Olivas, Olga Garcia Echeverria, and tatiana de la tierra will be reading, so La Bloga will be well represented. Sedano notes, "I have a gallery show of fotos opening on Friday."

La Bloga is very proud of Michael Sedano's instrumental role in the event and if you attend you can view the Doheny library exhibition of his photographic portraits from the historic 1973 festival.
To sign up for the newsletter, info on lodging, transportation and updated info on poets and writers who will be reading, go to this website.

And the non-Nezahualmami winner is . . .

As promised last Sat. in the second part of the Charla-Interview of Ernest Hogan,
we're giving away an autographed copy of his sci-fi novel High Aztech. Entrants had to create one of Hogan's language-twisters: either a new Spanglish term or a recombo-Náhuatl-Spanish word. Here's poetess Melinda Palacio's winning entry. Ernesto will be mailing her copy:

"Here's my attempt at a Hoganesque scrambler:

Nezahualmami, adj. masculine, meaning a man who wants to be a ruler, but acts like a baby who needs his mami and looks to his female companion as a mother figure, while acting like a little mijo and king at the same time.
Example: Young woman says to lover during an argument, 'Don't get all Nezhualmami on me.' "

Great entry; sounds like she might have even known one, once. . .

Es todo, hoy


  1. I like Nezahualmami. I've met a few. There are some running for office in Arizona. Good job, Melinda. It looks like Españahuatl could be come an art form. Ticomotrasparhuililis!

  2. Thanks, Ernest. I'm so excited to be the winner of this contest. Who doesn't love winning? It was exactly, well almost exactly, a year ago today that my poetry chapbook, Folsom Lockdown, won Kulupi Press' Sense of Place competition; I thought I'd never win anything again. And, Arizona...don't get me started. My debut novel, Ocotillo Dreams, is set in Chandler, Arizona. It's about immigration and ASU's Bilingual Review Press will publish the book this Fall. The Nezahualmamis of Arizona will certainly have something to complain about when the book comes out. After reading your interviews and hearing of the contest, I knew I had to enter. I've always enjoyed making up words. I hope to see it in one of your future novels. Thank you, again, for your book. I look forward to reading it.


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