Monday, September 05, 2011

Sisyphus Explains

A poem for Labor Day by Daniel A. Olivas

They laugh
or cry
at my “plight”
that I need not

But, in truth,
this is great pleasure
for me, nothing less.

I am known for
my grand cunning.
And this hill,
this stone,
this eternal
toil are all part
of my plan.

Tartarus is hilly
and charming, far
from my petty
concerns in Corinth.
So I am free to ponder
life’s great mysteries
as I repeat my simple
and predictable

Do not cry for me,
Glaucus, Ornytion,
Thersander and Almus.
Treat each other well,
my sons, and
know that I am
at peace,
that I am well.

[This poem was first published in The Poetry Victims (2005) and is featured in the unpublished poetry collection, Crossing the Border.]

1 comment:

  1. Very clever. Love the references to the classics.


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