Thursday, December 26, 2013

Lecturas y novedades

Alex Segura reading and signing Silent City 
Books & Books, Coral Gables. 
December 30, 2013, 8:00 p.m.

Pete Fernandez is a mess. He's on the brink of being fired from his middle-management newspaper job. His fiancée has up and left him. Now, after the sudden death of his father, he's back in his hometown of Miami, slowly drinking himself into oblivion. But when a co-worker he barely knows asks Pete to locate a missing daughter, Pete finds himself dragged into a tale of murder, drugs, double-crosses and memories bursting from the black heart of the Miami underworld - and, shockingly, his father's past. Making it up as he goes and stumbling as often as he succeeds, Pete's surreptitious quest becomes the wake-up call he's never wanted but has always needed - but one with deadly consequences. Welcome to Silent City, a story of redemption, broken friendships, lost loves and one man's efforts to make peace with a long-buried past to save the lives of the few friends he has left.

Alex Segura is a novelist, comic book writer and musician. His first crime novel, Silent City, arrives this October from Codorus Press. It is the first in a series. Alex also performs regularly in New York as part of the indie rock group Faulkner Detectives. He lives in New York with his wife and two cats. He is a Miami native.

Books & Books
265 Aragon Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33134


De contraportada: 

Nunca pensé que la volvería a ver...

Cuando salí de Guatemala, después de lo que pasó, me prometí no volver a pensar en lo que había dejado atrás. Algunas veces, sin poder evitarlo, rompía el juramento dado recordando los acontecimientos que me llevaron al exilio. Es tan difícil construir Taj Mahales para el recuerdo... Era entonces cuando pensaba en ella, en Julia, el amor de mi juventud, y en Isabel, mi mejor amiga, a la que no supe apreciar hasta que la perdí.

Julia nunca fue una mujer bonita, por lo menos en un sentido tradicional. La recuerdo morena, de pelo color azabache y ojos café con leche. Más bien bajita, con la nariz respingada, siempre tuvo ese ángel que atrae sin que sepás por qué. Quizá era por su sonrisa, ese mohín pícaro que hacía que sus hoyuelos salieran a bailar como si hubieran estado esperando solamente para alegrarme el día. No pude evitar enamorarme de ella; desde el primer día, mi suerte estuvo echada...

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