Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy NEW Year, gente!

Blogueros share their 


for some Bloga-style accountability...  

"I can count my 2015 resolutions on one hand:
Attend to HEALTH and RECOVERY.
FIGURE OUT what happened on The Other Side by writing it down.
  USE GoPro camera to video The Gluten-free Chicano's RECIPES,
 Conduct WORKSHOPS FOR POETS and other writers to develop oral performance skills.
CELEBRATE turning seventy on my 47th wedding anniversary.

"My resolutions are to continue MEDITATION practice, to continue the morning "send out” of calming and HEALING ENERGIES to all sentient beings, to continue this wondrous LOVE and generosity of familia (friends also being familia), which also leads to excellent work practices, leading to the joy in my writing/research/teaching.  May I send out these two books into the world this year, and let go of allthat is not necessary, let go of all that is not connected to love."

"I resolve to write the BEST damn book I can in 2015."

"I do resolutions every day, 
hopefully not out of regret or self-abuse. Because 
the future's always bright as long as there's 
rebellious young people, and some old ones, 
 still young-thinking
2015 could surprise us more than ever 
and make the 60s and 70s pale in comparison. 
Maybe I resolve to stick around to see that."

"I resolve to find publishers for my new short-story 
and poetry collections...and lose ten pounds."

"No more broken bones or broken body parts or broken spirit. Adios 2014! I resolve to undue all the damage done by my broken leg. I will walk with confidence and grace and, now and then, I will break into a strut and dance down the street. Sure, I want to lose weight and clean house more often, but writing and reading will come first. I wish everyone a kind and loving 2015. Cheers

"Write more often in my personal blog,
Finish writing my middle grade novel,
Continue writing more picture books and
Be happy for the next 52 coming weeks.
Feliz año 2015"

"I'm going to finish those neglected fiction projects,
and do more art, dammit!"

"I'm going to enjoy doing things badly
like playing the piano and ice skating... 
And baking at altitude.
I'm not going to take on other people's stress...
(I'll smile and let them deal with it).
I will WRITE more and regret less..."


"I want to be happy.  For 2015, I want to publish my new collection of poetry, Ocelocihuatl, but must importantly I want everyone to find inner peace and spread it throughout the world.  We need it; do I sound cliché?  Good, because I do really want peace for the world.  Blogueros y Blogueras keep up the good work and I wish you a healthy 2015, peace and creativity.  Be kind and write some poesía.

(We'll revisit this list at the end of the year).



1 comment:

  1. Commitment is the strongest variable in human action. Now these resolutions are out there, we're committed. Happy New Year!


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