Monday, February 09, 2015

Trío Aztlán in the Heartland

Xánath Caraza

Who is Trío Aztlán?  And, what community centered event they have recently realized?

Trío Aztlán is the largest trío I have ever met.  They are made up of five musicians—being a trio with five members is part of their fame.  Their music is outstanding.  The band plays from Latino music to folklórico, bolero and baladas. 

As for their home, Trío Aztlán is originally from Kansas City, Missouri and both with its original musical compositions and musical interpretations, from other bands, Aztlán has enchanted Kansas City for twenty-three years. 

Trío Aztlán

The members of the band are Dr. Uzziel H. Pecina, who is also one of my colleagues at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Luis A. Portillo, Kevin Sweet, Andrés Ramírez and José A. Sustaita.

The Blue Room
At the legendary The Blue Room, part of the American Jazz Museum, Kansas City, MO, on January 29, Trío Aztlán had a night of music and poetry extravaganza where they featured emerging voices from the Kansas City Latino community, and were kind enough to invite me to share my poesía and be part of this amazing evening.

La poesía de Xánath Caraza

It was a wonderful evening.  I was glad to see Trío Aztlán in action, but most importantly it was about supporting and learning about these emerging jóvenes latinos.  I had the pleasure to meet Alexia Romero, Gustavo Cornejo, Victor Velasco, Javier Hernández, Vanessa Ayala, Coleen Deiker and Juan Pablo Mendez, Jr. on the stage.  Powerful young Latin@ voices is what keeps coming back to my mind from that evening at The Blue Room along with the always vibrant rhythms of Trío Aztlán.  Let the photos help you visualize this powerful event.  

Trío Aztlán

Luis A. Portillo
Dr. Uzziel H. Pecina, Andrés Ramirez and José A. Sustaita

David Cunninngham
Gustavo Cornejo
Alexia Romero

Vanessa Ayala


  1. A very special night with many talented singers and musicians. A night to remember as we start off 2015 with a bang and many more shows like this to come. A special thanks to you Xánath Caraza for sharing your poesia with all of us!

  2. Let's not forget about the awesome Mr. David Cunninngham on the trumpet with Trio Aztlan!


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