Friday, March 01, 2019

The Remodelin' Blues

Not much happening on La Bloga today.  I plead insanity -- I'm going crazy with the remodeling project that we finally have taken on, after only thirty-seven years in our quaint Northside shanty.  Given the massive changes in our neighborhood (you can read that to mean gentrification), a good question would be why invest in a house that could possibly be sold in the near future?  The answer seems to be:  we ain't going anywhere, at least not willingly.  Anything's possible, of course.  The future might mean a nursing home, or long term care, or moving in with some unsuspecting relative or pal (Rudy - you reading this?)  But for now we are committed to staying, so why not live in a house with colors and textures that we really like?

Here's a picture of what once was our main bathroom.  Flo has imaginative plans for this room, including a sand-blasted tile Buddha (thanks to artist Michael Penny).  But for now, it's a mess.  With a bit of luck, and continued extra effort from our work crew (they've been great so far), this dusty desolation should all come to end and, like magic, the house will morph into a cool pad, just in time for the always glorious Colorado springtime.  Fingers crossed and respirators in place.

And here's a sneak peek at the Buddha.



Manuel Ramos writes crime fiction.  His latest is The Golden Havana Night (Arte Público Press.)

1 comment:

  1. Manuel, thanks for reminding me why every time my wife and I consider remodeling, we get tired just thinking about it and change our minds.


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