Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Soy Bilingüe Festival

Saturday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

303 Loma Dr
Los Angeles
CA 90017

Raising awareness on Bilingualism!

The Soy Bilingüe Festival is designed to promote and celebrate being bilingual, and to raise awareness on the benefits of speaking more than one language. Speakers, dance and music performances, food, children activities, and more!... Join NEW Academy of Science and Arts!

Their Story:

Encompassing our values and showcasing who we are at NEW Academy of Science and Arts, the annual Soy Bilingüe Festival (SBF) was proposed and inaugurated in 2017, with the following main objectives:  Celebrate and promote bilingualism, raise awareness as to its benefits for the academic success of students, and address NEW Academy’s commitment to prepare students with the global skills they need for success in the 21st century global economy. 

Featured in this culminating event are reading activities, student work exhibitions, student artistic performances, parent workshops, expert panels, traditional music and dance groups, speeches from prominent educators and community leaders, and informational booths on the topics of education and community involvement/resources. 

We believe that the Soy Bilingüe Festival is an important piece to our educational program, as it benefits the school AND broader community.  Most importantly, it instills in our students a love of learning, a sense of community, pride in who they are, and a vision for who they will become. 

Join NEW Academy of Science and Arts on April 27th, 2019 for its 3rd annual SBF!  Open to all!

Resumiendo nuestros valores y recalcando quienes somos en NEW Academy of Science and Arts, el Soy Bilingüe Festival (SBF) se inauguró en el 2017 con los siguientes propósitos:  Celebrar y promover el bilingüismo, crear conciencia sobre sus beneficios en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y recalcar el compromiso de NEW Academy de preparar a sus estudiantes con habilidades globales necesarias para tener éxito en la actual economía del siglo XXI. 

Este evento culminante incluirá: Discursos, talleres informativos, música y bailables tradicionales, panel de expertos, actividades de lectura, juegos, mesas informativas... ¡y más!  

Creemos que el Soy Bilingüe Festival es una pieza importante de nuestro programa educativo ya que beneficia a nuestra escuela tanto como a la comunidad en general.  Ante todo, este evento busca inculcarles a nuestros estudiantes el amor por el aprendizaje, un fuerte sentido de comunidad, orgullo de sus raíces, y una visión de cuan lejos llegarán.

¡Acompañe a NEW Academy of Science and Arts el 27 de abril en su tercer evento anual  Todos son bienvenidos.

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