Friday, October 15, 2021

Cafecito Con, the New Podcast Celebrates Womanhood at All Stages

Melinda Palacio 

Cafecito. The drink that says ‘let me share some words of wisdom with a comadre.’ At least, that’s what it says for Delila Vasquez and Rosa Martin Munoz, two women who have started the podcast, Cafecito Con. The format is simple, yet brilliant, a conversation about womanhood for women by women. Delila, 57, and Rosa, 31 developed the podcast idea in July. The show is live on a Thursday and a replay can be heard the following week on YouTube. Delila was excited to bring in a younger woman who could be her daughter, to cohost the show. The two teamed up to create a space for women to navigate the world of womanhood and to give each other tips for achieving their goals, dreams, and a strong sense of self. The topics of casual conversation cover the issues of Who Are You, Why Do You Do What You Do, Who Are Your Influences, and What Are the Symbols of Your Faith? The questions allow for the sharing of a cup of love and the stories of Latina women and how they navigate life. 

Delila has held many jobs in education and within the Catholic Church. One of her prior jobs was the Executive Director of the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders. I first met Delila through Reyna Grande, when she helped one year with the International Latino Book and Author Festival in Los Angeles. In fact, Reyna Grande is this week’s guest. Listeners around the globe can hear the podcast on YouTube next week. After sampling some of the previous shows, I was impressed by the passion that Delila and Rosa bring to the table. They speak to all of their guests as if they were old friends or familia. 

Both Delila and Rosa put so much thought into the show, it’s refreshing to hear. The format allows women to share the essence of what makes them unique, allowing a wonderful exchange that I’m sure helps listeners grow. Women need to hear from different women at different stages of their lives to help them “build joy” as one of the guests mentioned. 

While their logo may be a high heel inside a coffee cup, the program is really about the different shoes women inhabit. Rather than think about hats or occupation, the shoe stands for how women express their comfort, needs, and wishes in the different spaces they inhabit. I was very impressed with the interaction between Delila, Rosa, and Reyna. I’m excited to hear more shows. The current formula is an audio conversation on the Clubhouse App. Reruns can be found on their Facebook page by pressing watch video and on YouTube. The co-hosts call themselves an intergenerational duo and there’s something magical about dynamics of their age differences. While the two are at different points in their lives, they are equally passionate about learning how to be the best form of themselves. They both want to reclaim a space to celebrate womanhood. Take a listen to this informative and inspirational podcast. 


  1. Impressive, bravo to these women. Must watch. N. De Necochea

  2. Thank you for paying attention! I feel so very fortunate to be able to share time and space in dialogue with women who are great role models, inspiration, and motivation for other women.
    Many thanks Melinda Palacios for your support, it means the world to me!


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