Thursday, March 30, 2023

Cesar Chavez Day and National Poetry Month Mañana

First Happy Cesar Chavez Day

Tomorrow is April Fool's and National Poetry Month Begins 

 Does anyone else hide from the pranksters? I've never been one for jokes and do not enjoy that we have a day dedicated to fooling each other. In the spirit of no fooling, one real event is Poetry Month. April is when event coordinators bring out the poets and for one month, there are more poetry events than usual. I have to admit, this is another custom I am not a fan of. I prefer celebrating poetry everyday, all yearlong. Since you'll be hearing more about poetry in April during my posts for April 14 and the 28, I'll only share a few events to start with. 

April 1: The Poetry Buffet, an online event to celebrate women poets. Zoom reading. No fooling. Saturday 2pm 

April 8: Poetry Without Borders. Poesia Sin Fronteras. A one-day Poetry Fest from 2-7pm, Cafe Istanbul, 2372 Saint Claude, New Orleans

In Santa Barbara, there's big Poet Laureate news. On the 18th at 2pm at Santa Barbara's City Hall, the city will proclaim its 10th Poet Laureate. 

On April 25, Santa Barbara welcomes the 24th United States Poet Laureate, Ada Límon to Campbell Hall, UCSB, 7:30 pm. 

April is also a month when I revisit poems I've written in the past. 

Our President Sings Amazing Grace

Melinda Palacio

For the slain Reverend Pinckney and nine 

of his flock. Bible study will never again

be sitting in the same room, breaking bread,

discussing all things of importance, faith

On the other side of the fence, a divided

nation, the crazies call an obama nation, an obamination, 

an-oh-not-my president nation. 

Since when is the President, not your President?

Will you move to Canada?

Oops. You forgot Canada allows equal marriage.

Will you move to France?

You forgot France will not tolerated your ignorance.

Parlez-vous français?

That's right. You don't speak the language.

Go back where you came from.

Is your solution a fence?

Because all of a sudden you notice the town you live in,

the street your house is on is not spelled in English.

English only. You voted for it. 

A Mexican told you. I will marry your daughter 

and you will eat nothing but burritos,

burritos three times a day.

Which flag will you fly?

Will you hold up stars and stripes,

rebel stars and bars,

or will a white dove help you

with a white handkerchief?

For your pain, for my pain, for their pain, for our pain,

President Obama Sings Amazing Grace.

Amazing Grace,

How Sweet the Sound...

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