Friday, June 21, 2024

Poetry Connection: Creating Community Through Poetry and Typewriters

Melinda Palacio, Santa Barbara Poet Laureate 

Fourteen poets gathered on State Street for First Thursday on June 6 to type free poems, composed on the spot, on any subject, for anyone. Thanks to Simon Kieffer who provided typewriters and tables, we were able to make this month’s event even bigger than last September, when we only had five poets on five vintage typewriters. It was wonderful collaborating with Simon to bring poems to so many people. We had poets who could write poems in Spanish, English, and German. At least those are the languages that people requested. I know we had poets who could also write in French and Russian at our typewriter poetry extravaganza. 


Typewriter on-demand poetry has become a cherished event for all the poets involved. I love how the event keeps growing as more local poets have expressed an interest in participating. The first hour is always slow. At 5pm, people are still getting off of work and First Thursday Early Birds are still trying to figure out what exactly is going on with the long tables and people seated in front of a typewriter. Some folks are still a little bashful once they figure out that we are offering them a free poem. There is no gimmick, the poems are free and you do not have to provide your email or phone number or offer a tip. In fact, in consideration of the city’s panhandling ordinance, it’s best if you expressed your gratitude with a smile. However, we were not panhandling, but offering a free service with no requirements or expectations for compensation. Kindness in the form of a free poem. 


In addition to free poems, we offered entertainment, thanks to Mark Zolezzi and Jesse Felix of the Gruntled. Mark on vocals did a great job of using his microphone to explain about the free poem business. My typewriter had a meltdown and the ribbon was completely destroyed. Although we had one typewriter down, I had planned to take a break to take in the scene and capture some photos and to play some music. Mark and Jesse were kind enough to let me use their set up and play some songs on my ukulele. I ended my short set with one of my original songs, “Letter to Time,” that I often play on guitar. Our poets enjoyed hearing The Gruntled over our clacking of keys. I was sad to learn that it was The Gruntled’s last performance. Jesse Felix is moving to New Mexico. Santa Barbara loses another creative and kind human. My selfish wish is that he will be in town visiting when we have our next typewriter on-demand event. 


By six o’clock, once people figure out they can receive a poem for free, is when I wish we had enlisted more poets and brought more typewriters. Some of our poets were overwhelmed with orders. Next time, I will make sure to brief each poet and let them know not to start more than one poem at a time. However, I understand the instinct not to turn anyone away. At any given moment there were six to seven poets available to type. 


Poets had the opportunity to get to know someone outside their regular circles. We meet people out on the town with their family, friends, and pets. There’s something so gratifying and spiritually rewarding about providing poems for free to a stranger. I especially enjoyed learning people’s stories. The human connection and interaction is always my favorite part of typewriter poetry. I have no doubt that in our next iteration, the event will be even bigger. Look for another typewriter extravaganza this year. 


*An earlier version of this column was published in the Santa Barbara Independent


  1. What a wonderful event for this stalwart typewriter brigade... and the happy strangers parting with the gift of poetry in their hands! Melinda Palacio has taken this sidewalk poem-on-demand event to new heights, it seems. Definitely something to nurture and grow!

  2. What a wonderful act of kindness. The world needs more poetry.


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