Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Women Who Submit: 2024 Submission Conference

Michael Sedano's La Bloga-Tuesday shares a close-up look at stellar workshops featured in the August 10 "Submission Conference" created by a dynamic association of writers supporting writers, Women Who Submit (link).

This year's Conference theme gives the WWS event an important distinction unique to this Los Angeles writers conference:

Beyond the Writing: Building Community, Advocacy, and a Literary Career

The 8:30 to 6:00 day of literary panels, workshops, and performances takes place at historic Plaza  de la Raza in Lincoln Heights on the second Saturday in August. 

Follow the links to learn the hourly schedule, scan the list of vendors participating in the trade show element of this public event. From the linked page:

The 2024 WWS Submission Conference on Saturday, August 10, 2024 at Plaza de la Raza in Lincoln Heights will feature a day of literary panels, workshops, performances, and vendors centering women and nonbinary writers, editors, publishers, community members, and business owners. 

The third in a series, the 2024 conference is the first to be offered in person thanks to a partnership with Plaza de la Raza and a grant from the Latino Community Foundation and California Arts Council. 

Select remote options will be available for those experiencing barriers to attending due to health, finances, travel, family care, and more. 

The Women Who Submit Submission submission conference is a biennial one-day speaker program created by women and nonbinary writers for women and nonbinary writers to empower marginalized voices to submit work for publication and achieve success in publishing and academia.

Click this link to register for the conference.

Audience in 2023 WWS event a

Click this link to register for the conference.

Click this link to register for the conference.

Click this link to register for the conference.

Click this link to register for the conference.

Click this link to register for the conference.


  1. Marking it on my calendar. Sounds fascinating. Lots of talent here!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing, Michael! WWS appreciates your help!

    People can register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/beyond-the-writing-building-community-advocacy-and-a-literary-career-tickets-925621206947?aff=oddtdtcreator


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