by Ernest Hogan

the steam man had his pre-Luis Senarens origins—yes, the sci-fi
franchise goes back to the nineteenth century . . .
popularity lead to the 1883 The Steam Man of the Plains; Or, The Terror of the West,
featuring a young inventor named Frank Reade, who was not
author was Harry Enton, a pseudonym for Harold Cohen. Could this be
another case of a writer having to disguise his ethnicity to get
published? Like Luis, and much later, Robert Silverberg publishing as
Calvin M. Knox ( the M is for Moses) in the pulps? Do we detect a
tendency in American pop culture here?
Reade was so popular that in 1892, Frank Reade Jr. took over as the
designated Young Inventor who was soon impressing his dad in
aforementioned New
Steam Man.
Our man Luis, as NONAME, was the writer.
a strict formula: An invention or idea, inspires Frank to go on an
adventure with his friend, who only exists so Frank doesn’t have to
talk to himself and whose name I keep forgetting, and his two
bumbling, bickering sidekicks the negro Pomp, and the Irishman
Barney. In this case, Frank can’t wait to use the steam man to
terrorize “the wild savages of the plains and the outlaws of
Western Kansas and Colorado.”
is much daring-do, and rip-snortin’ Wild West action, Pomp and
Barney do most of the heavy lifting amid their slapstick antics, and
use of three different pronunciations of the n-word.
characterization isn’t Luis/NONAME’s strong point, the villains
provide some complexity of identity. Artemas Cliff, the
sombrero-wearing bandit chief, who at first speaks with a Spanish
accent reveals: “I am no Spaniard, as you thought. I am as good
an American as you.” As for the Indian chief Black Buffalo: “His
is a synonym to terror among the settlers from Dakota to the boundary
line Texas. By many he was claimed to be a white man or a renegade.
Others averred that he was a recreant Pawnee chief.”
a difficulty in trusting those who can’t be easily stereotyped.
what about the hero of 1894’s Jack
Wright and His Electric Stage?
I was expecting some variation, but Jack Wright is indistinguishable
from Frank Reade, Sr. or Jr. He’s often referred to as the Young
Inventor. He has two comic sidekicks, Tim, a one-legged sailor, and
Fritz, a fat Dutchman, who have thick dialects like Pomp and Barney.
Jack also has a dull friend that he can explain everything to.
electric stage is called The
and, in keeping with conventions of the times is referred to as
she proves to be faster and better in a battle with bad guys than the
steam man.
villains are none other than Jesse and Frank James! Other famous
outlaws are name-dropped, but not given any lines. This tradition of
giving characters famous names went on into the twentieth-century
development of the western genre in fiction and film.
are lines like: “The
bullet from Jack’s pneumatic pistol struck Jesse James, and a
hoarse yell of pain escaped the bandit king.
action rips and snorts, but Luis’ strength is his sci-fi gadgets:
pneumatic rifles and revolvers with explosive bullets, bulletproof
aluminum chain mail suits, and The
examples of a powerful imagination that filled more than 300 dime
novels. Steampunks could learn a few things from him.
we also need to remember the racism. And that times have changed. We
Ernest Hogan’s work is available in Altermundos,
The Jewish Mexican Literary Review,
and Five to the Future.
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