Ernest Hogan
got Thanksgiving duty this year, so feliz Día del Guajolote, all of
you on LaBlogalandia!
your guajolote be tasty, on this day were the EE.UU. eats native

would we be eating in an unconquered Aztlán? Buffalo steak with
roast grasshopper tacos on the side? Or perhaps a choice cut of a
prisoner of war?
Is that too extreme?
be why someone--or something--keeps
reporting La Bloga as spam to Facebook? Whatever the motive, it reeks
of malice. And it's something I am not
all, this is Trumptopia--may it self-destruct without taking too many
of us with it. Maybe another sacrifice to Tezcatlipoca is in order .
. .

It does seem to be what some people want. What some people consider utopia is dystopia to others, and vice versa. The sad truth is, most people just want something to conform to, rules to follow . . . and enforce. Never forget that.
glorious spite of it all, I’m thankful for a lot. I’ve had a
writing career--correction, have
writing career. I still get published--and rejected, but that’s
part of the deal. I didn’t think that my being a Chicano would be
such a problem for the publishing world as we know it. As a
“minority” (I don’t like the term, I prefer to think of myself
as part of this planet’s brown majority, but that idea gets a lot
of resistance) writer I was supposed be satisfied with being
published once or twice and fade into obscurity. I refuse to go that
pitiful way. I have allies in science fiction, academia, noncorporate publishing, and other “minorities.” My
long, hard guerrilla campaign will continue . . .
that’s my everyday struggle. Today, I’m going to enjoy the
guajolote, (or huexolotl, to be truer to the original Nahuatl). I
suggest you do it, too.
Tomorrow we can get back to the madness of the age.
Tomorrow we can get back to the madness of the age.
Chalciuhtotolin smile upon us.
Ernest Hogan is
currently working on a story set in an Aztlán that has seceded
from the EE.UU., and another one about Nazis in Arizona.
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