Lorenzo Herrera y Lozano is an Austin-based poet, activist and dreamer. He is the author of the Lambda Literary Award nominated Santo de la Pata Alzada: Poems from the Queer/Xicano/Positive Pen (Evelyn Street Press, 2005). Lorenzo is the Editor of Queer Codex, a radical queer people of color cultural arts anthology series published in collaboration by Evelyn Street Press, a progressive feminist publishing house, and ALLGO, a Statewide Queer People of Color Organization in Texas. Born in San José, California, transplanted to Estación Adela, Chihuahua, only to be shipped back to California 6 years later. He has been in Austin for nearly 5 years, where his work primarily focuses on social justice activism in queer communities of color. Lorenzo is the Director of Arts and Community Building of ALLGO; he is the Co-Chair of Unid@s, the National Latina/o LGBT Human Rights Organization; and sits on the Steering Committe for the National Latina/o Coalition for Justice. Lorenzo is a member of the Sandra Cisnero’s Macondo Writer’s Union and is working on completing two new poetry collections, Amorcito Maricón and God Don’t Live Here Anymore.
SHE’S BAAAAACK: This week sees the release of the paperback edition of Luis Alberto Urrea’s magnificent novel of last year, The Hummingbird's Daughter. If the price of hardcover has kept you from buying Urrea’s novelization of his ancestor, the miraculous Teresita, this is your day! AND the Kiriyama Prize in the fiction category has gone to Urrea for his novel. The prize is given to authors whose works contribute to a better understanding of the peoples and nations of the Pacific Rim and South Asia. I joyfully gave Urrea’s master work one of its earliest raves in The Elegant Variation (TEV), a review that's excerpted in the newly released paperback version. I also interviewed Urrea for TEV. Check out the follow-up interview of Urrea in the April 3rd edition of TEV.
CHICA LUNA: Chica Luna Productions is a non-profit organization that seeks to develop and support women of color who use popular media to engage social justice themes and are accountable to their communities. Founded in September 2001 by three working artists who gathered to produce progressive multi-media projects, Chica Luna has since grown to include members in both New York and Los Angeles, and has established a track record of partnering with like-minded individuals and organizations toward promoting socially conscious media by, about and for people of color. In October 2005, Chica Luna opened a community-based studio in El Barrio New York that will serve them to further produce popular media and expand their multi-media organizing. For more information, visit Chica Luna’s website.
NUEVO LIBRO: Lissette Norman’s children’s picture book, My Feet Are Laughing (FSG), has just been released. What Kirkus Reviews says: "Sadie is a Dominican-American girl who lives in Harlem with her mom and sister in her grandma's house. She's eight years old and full of spirit; Norman's poetry brings her vividly to life. In 16 poems, she chats about her feelings toward her dad and mom's separation, her grandma, and her six-year-old sister. The free verse typifies her age, as in ‘Love is Crystal telling / Rolando from down the street / that she likes his blue-and-orange jersey / and Rolando wearing it almost every day.’ Each poem is accompanied by a double-page spread of illustrations as energeticas Sadie. Long curving lines exaggerate space and make the interiors cozy, as do the mellow and delicious shades of chocolate, purple and yellow. Sure to make readers' feet laugh."
ESSAY: Melinda Palacio’s new essay demonstrates that sometimes fiction interferes with life.
TRONCOSO’S WORD: Sergio Troncoso reviews Rudolfo Anaya’s new book, The Man Who Could Fly and Other Stories (University of Oklahoma Press). Visit Troncoso's website for more on his own books and other reviews.
AND GONZÁLEZ’S WORD: Rigoberto González reviews Christine Granados' debut collection of short stories, Brides And Sinners in El Chuco (University of Arizona Press).
BLOGGING IN THE U.S.A.: C. M. Mayo has entered the addictive world of blogging. And I note that last Sunday, the Los Angeles Times gave a rave review to her new anthology, Mexico: A Traveler's Literary Companion (Whereabouts Press).
L.A. WEEKLY: Daniel Hernandez has a new gig at the L.A. Weekly. His most recent article is entitled “Stirring the Other L.A.: How the media and immigrant advocates got 500,000 people to protest” and can be read here.
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: This announcement from one of my all-time favorite online literary journals: Each issue of Outsider Ink is read by over 80,000 people worldwide. We are currently seeking alternative fiction that dares to cross the line. Read our Submission Guidelines and a current issue before submitting.
All done. So, until next Monday, enjoy the intervening posts from my compadres y comadre at La Bloga. ¡Lea un libro!
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