13º Aniversario del Levantamiento del
Ejercito Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN)
Hace 13 años, el 31 de diciembre de 1993, el EZLN tomo armas y dijo “¡BASTA!” Basta con ser robados de una vida digna. Junto con ellos nos unimos Mexican@s en Chiapas, Atenco, Oaxaca y el resto de la republica, al igual que los Mexican@s que vivimos del otro lado para seguir exigiendo el derecho al trabajo, tierra, techo, alimentación, salud, educación, independencia, libertad, democracia, justicia y paz.
Danza Mexica Cuauhtemoc hace una cordial invitación a celebrar el
Año Nuevo Zapatista
Domingo 31 de diciembre de las 6PM
hasta las 6AM del 1º de enero
Parque de México
(Esquina de N. Main St. Y Valley Blvd.-Lincoln Heights)
Habrá videos, comida, música y Danza Azteca
Para información comuníquese al (213)481-8265
Correo electrónico: dancuauhtemoc@yahoo.com
¡Zapata Vive! ¡La Lucha Sigue!
13th Anniversary of the
Zapatista Nacional Liberation Army (EZLN) Insurgence
Thirteen years ago, on December 31, 1993, the EZLN took up arms and said “Enough is Enough!” It was time to stop being robbed of a life without dignity. Today, Mexicans from Chiapas, Atenco, Oaxaca, the rest of Mexico, as well as those living on the other side, unite with the Zapatista demands for our right to work, land, housing, food, health, education, independence, democracy, justice, and peace.
Danza Mexica Cuauhtemoc invites you to celebrate the
Zapatista New Year
Sunday December 31st at 6PM
until 6AM on January 1st at
Parque de México
(corner of N. Main St. Y Valley Blvd.-Lincoln Heights)
There will be videos, food, music, and Aztec Dance
For more information call (213)481-8265
E-mail: dancuauhtemoc@yahoo.com

Author: Kristi Orona-Ramirez
Illustrator: Jonathan Warm Day
Publisher: Children’s Book Press
ISBN: 0892392142
Kiki’s Journey is the story of Kiki, a Tiwa girl who lives in Los Angeles far away from the reservation in Taos, New Mexico where here family is from. She is angry and embarrassed when everyone she meets assumes that because she is Tiwa, she knows everything about Native Americans in general. She hates it.
Then Kiki’s family goes on a journey back to Taos to visit family for vacation. She hasn’t been there since she was a baby. The trip home to the Pueblo becomes not just a vacation, but an inner journey for Kiki as she learns about the Pueblo and her family. With her grandmother’s help, she learns of her heritage, the village she was born in and her history. She finds a way to accept the path her life has taken and to be proud of where she came from.
The story is a beautiful one, filled with prayers to the Creator, bits and pieces of Native American life and lore. It touches a part of so many of us that have mixed heritages or that live far away from where we came from. I think that both children and adults will find it resonates.
Each illustration by Jonathan Warm Day compliments the story and gives it even more warmth. His illustrations of the desert and the adobe buildings in the village are particularly stunning and rich. My favorite illustration is the one where Kiki and her mother are praying to the Creator and the wind is streaming through their hair. It’s a beautiful and elemental piece.
The feeling of love in the family is strong and persists throughout the book.
About the Author:
Kristy Orona-Ramirez (Taos Pueblo/Tarahuamara) is a writer and fourth grade teacher. She is also a lead singer and songwriter for the Native American Northern drumming group, The Mankillers.
About the Illustrator:
Jonathan Warm Day (Taos Pueblo) is a well-known artist and writer who grew up on the Taos Pueblo Indian Reservation. He currently resides there with his daughters.
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