March 1, 2009 - Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural expects to be moved into its NEW space at 13197-A Gladstone Ave. Sylmar CA 91342
March 28, 2009 - Grand Opening Celebration at the NEW Centro Space in Sylmar!
March 1, 2009 - Tia Chucha's Centro Cultural expects to be moved into its NEW space at 13197-A Gladstone Ave. Sylmar CA 91342
March 28, 2009 - Grand Opening Celebration at the NEW Centro Space in Sylmar!
Check the website for updates. More information will be coming soon.
From our Friends......

Palabra Pura: One Poem Festival
Friday, February 13
6:15 to 7:30 promptly
Jazz Showcase, 806 S. Plymouth Ct.
(entrance on the east side of Dearborn Station)
Free admission
21 and over show
Poet names and bios at http://guildcomplex.org
From our Friends......

Palabra Pura: One Poem Festival
Here at the Guild Complex, we think Friday the 13th is a lucky day -- especially for people who love poetry. Please join us as 20 talents poets from across the country read one poem each in this special edition of Palabra Pura, co-sponsored by Letras Latinas and the Poetry Foundation. The reading will be held at the historic Jazz Showcase, where jazz has lived since 1947. (The posters on the wall are the real deal).
Friday, February 13
6:15 to 7:30 promptly
Jazz Showcase, 806 S. Plymouth Ct.
(entrance on the east side of Dearborn Station)
Free admission
21 and over show
Poet names and bios at http://guildcomplex.org
We're going hi tech here at the Guild Complex. Well, hi tech for writers. (We never did get over our Selectric typewriter. The thought of a correction cartridge still makes us a little weepy). We've got a shiny new e-mail system. We're updating our website with more content daily. We're getting ready to launch audio files of our poetry readings. So stay tuned. We'll let you know as each of the bells and whistles is launched.
We know everybody is feeling the pinch these days, so remember, 95% of the Guild's events are free of charge. (And, the other 5% are very reasonable). We present some of the most provocative voices of our time on the mic, and we have friendly, smart, and handsome people in our audiences. For us, it's about the whole package.
Stay warm. We're Chicagoans. We fool ourselves every year into thinking it won't get that cold again...but it does. Just put on another layer, break that cabin fever, and join us for excellent poetry and uncomparable company on Friday, February 13th.
Lisa Alvarado
Lisa Alvarado
1 comment:
Great news about Tia Chucha's finding a new home. Also, I will be one of the feature poets at the Palabra Pura event in Chicago. I will also be moderating a "Latinos in Lotusland" panel on Saturday, February 14, at 3 p.m. Full AWP event schedule is here:
I will do a full post this Monday. Gracias.
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