Celebrating DÍA with poet Jorge Argueta
and the Art of Maurice Sendak
Houston Public Library / April 18, 2015

The International Latino Book Awards: Setting A High Cultural Standard
By: Kirk Whisler
The 2015 International Latino Book Awards is a major
reflection that the fastest growing group in the USA has truly arrived. The
Awards are now the largest Latino cultural Awards in the USA and with the 246
finalists this year, it has honored the greatness of 1,914 authors and
publishers over the past two decades. These Awards are a great reflection that
books by and about Latinos are in high demand. In 2015 Latinos will purchase
over $600 million in books in English and Spanish.
order to handle the large number of entries the 2015 Awards had 192 judges, 50%
more than 2014. The judges glowed about the high quality of the entries – and
that they covered so many topics so well. The Awards celebrates books in
English, Spanish and Portuguese. Finalists are from across the USA and from 18
countries outside the USA.
In recognition of the
quality and variety of books now available, Latino Literacy Now, the
organization that oversees the Awards, is also carrying out the Award Winning
Author Tour. Displays of the Finalists books and Award Winning Authors will be
presented at events like American Library Association Convention; the Latino
Book & Family Festivals in Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino; key
national Latino conference like the NCLR, LULAC, Expo Comida, and CABE; and
other key events.
The Awards themselves will be held June 2in San
Francisco as part of the ALA Conference. The Awards are produced by Latino Literacy Now, an organization co-founded by Edward
James Olmos and Kirk Whisler, and co-presented by Las Comadres de las Americas
and Reforma, the National Association to Promote Library and Information
Services to Latinos. Award sponsors include Silver Sponsor Libros Publishing
and Bronze Sponsor Scholastic.
Here’s a complete list of the finalists:
Best Latino Focused Children’s Picture Book – English
Maria and the Lost Calf, Kate Morejohn; Illustrated: Dwight Morejohn,
Portuguese Heritage Publications of California, Inc
Tuesday Tucks Me In, Luis
Carlos Montalván , Roaring Book Press
Best Latino Focused Children’s Picture Book – Spanish or Bilingual
Grandma Lale's Tamales: A Christmas Story, Nasario García, Rio Grande Books
¡Jugemos al Fútbol y al Football!, René Colato Laínez, Santillana USA
Publishing Company
Lalo Loves to Help, Cecilia Velástegui, Libros Publishing
Best Children’s Fiction Picture Book – English
Draw!, Raúl Colón, Simon & Schuster
Endeavour’s Long Journey, John D.
Olivas, East West Discovery Press
I Know a Bear, Mariana Ruiz Johnson, Schwartz
& Wade, Random House Children’s Books
I Pledge Allegiance, Pat Mora &
Libby Martinez, Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, Random House
Children’s Books
Kibo and the Purple Dragon, Carmen Gil, Marta Munté, Cuento de
Soccer Star, Mina Javaherbin; Illustrator: Renato Alarcão, Candlewick Press
Best Children’s Fiction Picture Book – Bilingual
Dalia’s Wondrous Hair, Laura Lacámara, Arte Publico Press
Dance Recital, Jill
Barletti, Snowflake Stories, LLC
How Chile Came to Mexico, Rudolfo Anaya, Rio
Grande Books
Howl of the Mission Owl | El Ulular de la Lechuza, Cecilia
Velástegui, Libros Publishing
Moví la Mano/ I Moved My Hand, Jorge Luján,
Groundwood Books
Best Children’s Fiction Picture Book – Spanish
Cipariso, Marta Sanmamed; Sonja Wimmer, Cuento de Luz
La Pequeña Amelia se Hace
Mayor, Elisenda Roca; Illustrator: Paula Bonet, Combel Editorial Mariama:
Diferente pero Igual, Jerónimo Cornelles/ Nívola Uyá, Cuento de Luz
Best Children’s Nonfiction Picture Book – English
Boy Zorro and the Bully, Kat Aragon, Lectura Books
Separate is Never Equal,
Duncan Tonatiuh, Abrams
Tuesday Tucks Me In, Luis Carlos Montalván, Roaring
Book Press
Best Children’s Nonfiction Picture Book – Spanish or Bilingual
Conoce a Gabriel García Márquez, Mónica Brown, Santillana USA Publishing
Conoce a Pablo Picasso, Mónica Brown, Santillana USA Publishing Company
¡Mira qué Artista! Pablo Picasso, Patricia Geis, Combel Editorial
Best Educational Children’s Picture Book – English
Endeavour’s Long Journey, John D. Olivas, East West Discovery Press
and Fruit, María Teresa Barahona/ Edie Pijpers, Cuento de Luz
Tuesday Tucks Me
In, Luis Carlos Montalván with Bret Witter, Roaring Book Press
Best Educational Children’s Picture Book
Grandfather Ratoncito Pérez and the Apprentice Tooth Fairy, Virginia Walton
Pilegard, Goat Mountain Books
Howl of the Mission Owl | El Ulular de la
Lechuza, Cecilia Velástegui, Libros Publishing
Look How Lovely! | ¡Mira qué
Lindo!, Marti Skarupa, Marti Skarupa
Best Educational Children’s Picture Book – Spanish or Bilingual ¡Esto es Mío!, Elisenda Roca; Illustrator: Cristina Losantos, Editorial Bambu
Best Educational Children’s Picture Book – Spanish or Bilingual ¡Esto es Mío!, Elisenda Roca; Illustrator: Cristina Losantos, Editorial Bambu
¡Gracias!, Blas Miras & Virginia García, Dylan Ediciones
¡Por Favor!, Blas
Miras & Virginia García, Dylan Ediciones
Most Inspirational Children’s Picture Book – English
Tuesday Tucks Me In, Luis Carlos Montalván, Roaring Book Press
Most Inspirational Children’s Picture Book – Spanish or Bilingual El Faro de las Almas, Ariel André Almada/ Zuzanna Celej, Cuento de Luz
Most Inspirational Children’s Picture Book – Spanish or Bilingual El Faro de las Almas, Ariel André Almada/ Zuzanna Celej, Cuento de Luz
Chile Came to Mexico, Rudolfo Anaya, Rio Grande Books
Lalo Loves to Help,
Cecilia Velástegui, Libros Publishing
Best Youth Latino Focused Chapter Book
Letters from Heaven, Lydia Gil, Arte Publico Press
Whiskers, Tails & Wings,
Judy Goldman, Charlesbridge
Best Youth Chapter Fiction Book
Ambassador, William Alexander, Simon & Schuster Caminar, Skila Brown,
Candlewick Press
Los pájaros no tienen fronteras, Edna Iturralde, Santillana
USA Publishing Company
Best Educational Youth Chapter Book
El Secreto de su Nombre, Rosana Acquaroni, Santillana USA Publishing Company
Enfrentando el Bullying, María Villegas; Illustrator: Iván Chacón, Villegas
Most Inspirational Youth Chapter Book
De Aquí para Allá: Cuentos Sobre Inmigrantes, Claudia Yelin, Everest, S.A.,
Best Young Adult Latino Focused Book – English
Island of Dreams, Jasminne Mendez, Floricanto Press
The 16 Rule, Evelyn Gonzalez, Friesen Press
Best Young Adult Latino Focused Book – Spanish or Bilingual
Micaela, Adalucía, Cholita Prints and Publishing Company The Adventures of
Noldo and his Magical Scooter on The March with The St. Patrick’s Battalion,
Armando Rendón, Starry Night Publishing
Best Young Adult Fiction Book – English
I Lived on Butterfly Hill, Marjorie Agosín, Simon & Schuster
Poli: A
Mexican Boy in Early Texas, Jay Neugeboren, Texas Tech University Press
People, Voices From the Panama Canal, Margarita Engle,
The Illuminated Forest, Edwin Fontánez, Exit Studio
Publishing Co.
The Living, Matt de la Peña, Random House Children’s Books
Secret Side of Empty, María E. Andreu, Running Press
Best Young Adult Fiction Book – Spanish or Bilingual
Micaela, Adalucía, Cholita Prints and Publishing Company
No es Invisible,
Marcus Sedgwick, Editorial Bambu
Best Young Adult Nonfiction Book
Kalimán en Jericó, Ángel Burgas, Editorial Bambu
Best Educational Young Adult Book
Barrio Writers: Empowering Teens Through Creative Writing, 5th Edition,
Multiple Youth Authors; Project Editor: Sarah Rafael García, Lincoln Book
Micaela, Adalucía, Cholita Prints and Publishing Company
Most Inspirational Young Adult Book
Dream to Achieve, Joseph Gutiz, New Trends Press The Sparrow and The Frog | El
Gorrión y La Rana, Jerry Gómez Shor Jr., Jerry Gómez Shor
Best Book Written by a Youth
De Donde Vengo Yo, Students of Christ the King Elementary School, Creative Ink
Publishing, Inc.
Best Latino Focused Nonfiction Book
Blood in the Fields, Julia Reynolds, Chicago Review Press
Dragons in the Land
of the Condor, Ignacio López-Calvo, University of Arizona Press
Discovering the Richness of the Latino Culture and Family, Lorena Garza
Gonzalez, Urban Strategies Leaving Little Havana: A Memoir of Miami’s Cuban
Ghetto, Cecilia M. Fernandez, Beating Windward Press
Our Sacred Maíz Is Our
Mother, Roberto Cintli Rodríguez, University of Arizona Press
Things We Don’t
Talk About, Daniel A. Olivas, San Diego State University Press
With a Book in
their Hands: Chicano/a Readers and Readerships Across the Centuries, Manuel
Martin-Rodriguez, Editor, University of New Mexico Press
Most Inspirational Nonfiction Book – English
A Turquoise Life: One Woman’s Triumphant Journey, Diann Kissell & Kathy
Bird, Dog Ear Publishing
Leaving Little Havana: A Memoir of Miami’s Cuban
Ghetto, Cecilia M. Fernandez, Beating Windward Press
Revenge of a Catholic
Schoolboy, Victor Villaseñor, Waterfront Digital Press
The Universal Tone,
Carlos Santana, Little, Brown & Company
Wise Latinas: Writers on Higher
Education, Jennifer De Leon, Editor, The University of Nebraska Press
Most Inspirational Nonfiction Book – Spanish or Bilingual
Creando Puentes de Comprension, Lucía De García, Xlibris
Mis 15 Abuelas, Genie
Milgrom, Create Space Independent Publishing
Un Milagro de Dios en las Manos de
una Madre, Catalina Prieto, CBH Books
Best Autobiography By A Well Known Person
The Beat of My Own Drum, Sheila E. with Wendy Holden, Atria Books
Universal Tone, Carlos Santana, Little, Brown & Company
Best Biography – English
A Century of Pachangas, Betty Serra, Floricanto Press
Beach Mexican; Assimilation & Identity In Redondo Beach,
Alex Moreno Areyan, The History Press Journey Beneath My Skin, La Palabra, 2D
House Publishing
La Belle Créole, Alina García-Lapuerta, Chicago Review Press
Leaving Little Havana: A Memoir of Miami’s Cuban Ghetto, Cecilia M. Fernandez,
Beating Windward Press S
Street Rising, Ruben Castaneda, Bloomsbury Publishing
Shattered Paradise: Memoirs of A Nicaraguan War Child, Ileana Araguti, New
Trends Press
The Prince of Los Cocuyos, Richard Blanco, HarperCollins
Best Biography – Spanish or Bilingual
Confidencias a Mis Hijos y a Mis Nietos, Alfonso Dávila Ortiz, Villegas Editores
Jean Voilier, Cuando el sol reposa en el abismo, Célia Bertin, Vaso Roto
Una Gesta Admirable: Vida y Obra de Don Hernando Caicedo, Adriana
Llano Restrepo; Designer: Benjamín Villegas, Villegas Editores
Best History Book – English
From Coveralls to Zoot Suits: The Lives of Mexican American Women on the World
War II Home Front, Elizabeth R. Escobedo, University of North Carolina Press
Helen Miller Bailey, Rita Joiner Soza, Xlibris
Latinos at the Golden Gate:
Creating Community and Identity in San Francisco, Tomás F. Summers Sandoval
Jr., University of North Carolina Press
Revolutionary Cuba: A History, Luis
Martínez-Fernández, University Press of Florida
The Ghosts of Hero Street,
Carlos Harrison, Berkley Caliber
Best History Book – Spanish or Bilingual
Bernalillo: Yesterday’s Sunshine Today’s Shadows, Nasario García, Rio Grande
El Gimnasio Moderno en la Vida Colombiana, 1914 - 2014, Gonzalo Mallarino
Botero & Gonzalo Mallarino Florez, Villegas Editores
Best Political/Current Affairs Book
America! Don’t You Know Me? I’m Your Native Son: Geronimo, Carlos Melendrez,
Starry Night Publishing
Shattered Paradise: Memoirs of A Nicaraguan War Child,
Ileana Araguti, New Trends Press The Dangerous Divide, Peter Eichstaedt,
Chicago Review Press
Best Business Book
C.I. Jeans, Adriana Llano Restrepo; Designer: Benjamín Villegas, Villegas
Cerro Matoso: 30 años Creciendo Junto a Colombia, Adriana Llano
Restrepo; Designer: Benjamín Villegas, Villegas Editores
Mirando los Negocios
al Revés, Jorge l. Boza Olivari, Irresistible Publishing House
Best Arts Book – English
Luis Cruz Azaceta, Alejandro Anreus, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center View
From The Pier, Herman Sillas, WPR Publishing
Best Arts Book – Spanish or Bilingual
Árboles de Tamoanchan, Daniel Lezama, Vaso Roto Ediciones Luis Roldán, Carolina Ponce De León; Designer: Benjamín Villegas, Villegas Editores Unveiling Motion and Emotion, Anabella Lenzu, Anabella Lenzu
Árboles de Tamoanchan, Daniel Lezama, Vaso Roto Ediciones Luis Roldán, Carolina Ponce De León; Designer: Benjamín Villegas, Villegas Editores Unveiling Motion and Emotion, Anabella Lenzu, Anabella Lenzu
Best Gift Book
Parques Naturales de Colombia, Julia Miranda; Artist: Andrea Vélez, Villegas
The Beauty of Being a Woman, Rosie Ochoa, Dancing Dandelians by
View From The Pier, Herman Sillas, WPR Publishing
Best Cookbook
Sabores Yucatecos: Un Recorrido Culinario a Yucatán, Gilberto Cetina, Katharine
A. Díaz, & Gilberto Cetina, Jr., WPR Publishing
Best Reference Book
Detalles Maestros: Manual de Dibujo, Procedimientos y Detalles, Carlos Alfonso
Cubillos, Villegas Editores
How I Found my 15 Grandmothers, Genie Milgrom,
Create Space Independent Publishing Monologues for Latino/a Actors: A Resource
Guide to the Contemporary Latino/a Playwrights for Actors and Teachers, Micha
Espinosa, Editor, Smith and Kraus
Best Health Book
Diabetes Sin Problemas, Frank Suárez, Metabolic Press
Best Parenting/Family Book
Querido Papá, Alicia Araujo-Elatassi, Be Bookhouse
Tu Guía Esencial para
Manejar la Casa y la Familia de Hoy: La Jefa de la Casa, Claudia Caporal, Penguin
Best Women’s Issues Book
Birth of a New J: A Cathartic Memoir, Julie Guardado, Create Space Independent
Tu Guía Esencial para Manejar la Casa y la Familia de Hoy: La Jefa
de la Casa, Claudia Caporal, Penguin Group
Wise Latinas: Writers on Higher
Education, Jennifer De Leon, Editor, The University of Nebraska Press
Best Religious Book
El vino del místico: El Rubaiyat de Omar Khayyam, Paramahansa Yogananda,
Self-Realization Fellowship
Francisco: Canto de una Criatura, Alda Merini, Vaso
Roto Ediciones
Regresar a Jesús de Nazaret, Rafael Luciani, PPC, Editorial y
Distribuidora, S.A.
Revenge of a Catholic Schoolboy, Victor Villaseñor,
Waterfront Digital Press
Best Travel Book
Colombia Horizontes, Photographer: Felipe Luque; Designer: Benjamín Villegas,
Villegas Editores
Best Sports/Recreation Book
James: En la Cima del Mundo, Jorge Barraza, Ediciones B. Colombia
Best Nonfiction - Multi-Author
Hotel Mariachi: Urban Space and Cultural Heritage in Los Angeles, Catherine
Kurland, Enrique Lamadrid, University of New Mexico Press
Sagrado: A
Photopoetics Across the Chicano Homeland, Spencer Herrera, Levi Romero, &
Robert Kaiser, University of New Mexico Press
Wise Latinas: Writers on Higher
Education, Jennifer De Leon, Editor, The University of Nebraska Press
Best Graphic NonFiction Book
A Most Imperfect Union: A Contrarian History of the United States, Ilan
Stavans; Illustrator: Lalo Alcaraz, Basic Books
Best Latino Focused Fiction Book – English
A Falling Star, Chantel Acevedo, Carolina Wren Press
Raw Man, Fred Rivera, A
Word With You Press
The Book of Unknown Americans, Cristina Henríquez, Alfred
A. Knopf Publishing
The City of Palaces, Michael Nava, Terrace Books
Deportation of Wopper Barraza, Maceo Montoya, University of New Mexico Press
Best Latino Focused Fiction Book – Spanish or Bilingual
!A Estudiar, Carajo!, Ana María González, Editorial Santuario
El sendero de las
guerillas, Martín Balarezo García, Gematext, Inc.
Revancha en Los Angeles,
Alicia Alarcón, Mio House Publishing Trasfondos, Fernando Olszanski & José
Castro Urioste, Ars Communis Editorial
Most Inspirational Fiction Book
En El Umbral De Tu Voz, Dalia Stella González, Terranova Editores Remedy for a
Broken Angel, Toni Ann Johnson, Nortia Press Un Buen Hijo de P, Ismael Cala,
Random House; Vintage Español
Best Popular Fiction – English
Finder of Lost Objects, Susie Hara, Ithuriel’s Spear
The Book of I, Jorge
Armenteros, Jaded Ibis Press
The King and Queen of Comezón, Denise Chávez,
University of Oklahoma Press
Best Popular Fiction – Spanish or Bilingual
Adicta, Zane, Atria Books
Detránsito, Martha B. Bátiz Zuk, Terranova Editores
La casa
en que vivo no tiene dirección, Hugo Rodríguez Díaz, País Invisible-editores
Tras esas gafas de sol, María Bird Picó, Publicaciones Te Pienso
Best Novel - Adventure or Drama – English
Lili of Peru, David C. Edmonds, Peace Corps Writers Parisian Promises, Cecilia
Velástegui, Libros Publishing
Steven Isn’t Normal, Marco A. Vasquez, Floricanto Press
The Awakening of Miss Prim, Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera, Atria Books
Schwarzchild Radius, Gustavo Florentin, Curiosity Quills Press
Best Novel - Adventure or Drama – Spanish or Bilingual
Casi Siempre Fue Abril, Hiram Martinez, Ediciones Hache
Silente El sendero de
las guerillas, Martín Balarezo García, Gematext, Inc.
Best Novel - Historical Fiction – English
Dying Freedom, Insurrection 1810, Rubén Acosta Vallejo, Palibrio Legends of the
Californios, Raquel Perez, Outskirts Press Parisian Promises, Cecilia
Velástegui, Libros Publishing
The City of Palaces, Michael Nava, Terrace Books
Best Novel - Historical Fiction – Spanish or Bilingual
Misión Olvido, María Dueñas, Atria Books
No Habrá
Primavera en Abril, Luis Alejandro Polanco, Pasadizo Santa María del Diablo,
Gustavo Arango, Ediciones B. Colombia
Best Novel - Mystery
Battle for a Soul, Manuel A. Meléndez, Aignos Publishing, Inc.
Night of the
Jaguar, Joe Gannon, Minotaur Books; St. Martin’s Press Ripper, Isabel Allende,
HarperCollins Publishers
The Schwarzchild Radius, Gustavo Florentin, Curiosity
Quills Press
Best Novel - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
A Taste of Honey, Rocky Barilla, Rosquete Press
A Taste of Honey, Rocky Barilla, Rosquete Press
Adelitas’s Secret, Christopher
Cloud, Christopher Cloud
Born in the Wayeb: Book One of the Mayan Chronicles,
Lee. E. Cart, Ek’ Balam Press
Rise of the Black Rose, Land of Enchantment
Trilogy #3, Belinda Vasquez Garcia, Magic Prose
Best Novel - Romance
Born To Sing, Donna Del Oro, Extasy Books
Desert Heat, Elizabeth
Reyes, Atria Books
Best Poetry Book - One Author – English
Comprehending Forever, Rich Villar, Aquarius Press The Essential Hits of Shorty
Bon Bon, Willie Perdomo, Penguin Group (USA)
The Small Claim of Bones, Cindy
Williams Gutiérrez, Bilingual Press/ Editorial Bilingüe
Best Poetry Book - One Author – Bilingual
Así Habló Penélope, Tino Villanueva, Universidad de Alcalá, Instituto Franklin Decreación, Anne Carson, Vaso Roto Ediciones Sagrada Familia, Johanny Vázquez-Paz, Isla Negra Editores
Así Habló Penélope, Tino Villanueva, Universidad de Alcalá, Instituto Franklin Decreación, Anne Carson, Vaso Roto Ediciones Sagrada Familia, Johanny Vázquez-Paz, Isla Negra Editores
Best Poetry Book - One Author – Spanish
De Mariposas y Mantis, Silvia Siller; Illustrator: Carmen Elena Trigueros, URPI
Poesía eres tú, F. Isabel Campoy, Santillana USA Publishing Company
Soles Manchados, Pilar Vélez, Snow Fountain Press
Syllables of Wind | Sílabas
de Viento, Xánath Caraza, Mammoth Publications
Best Poetry Book - Multi-Author
Goodbye, Mexico, Sarah Cortez, Texas Review Press
La Doble Sombra, Antonio
Tello y José Di Marco, Vaso Roto Ediciones
Best Fiction - Multi-Author
Trasfondos, Fernando Olszanski & José Castro Urioste, Ars Communis
Best Young Adult eBook
De Aquí para Allá: Cuentos Sobre Inmigrantes, Claudia Yelin, Everest, S.A.,
Editorial Who’s Ju?, Dania Ramos, Northampton House Press
Best eBook - Nonfiction
Birth of a New J: A Cathartic Memoir, Julie Guardado, Create Space Independent
Publishing Raising Bilingual Children, Maritere Rodriguez Bellas, Atria
Books Volver a Ser Feliz, Patricia Gaviria, Moviendo Energias
Best Book - Fiction in Portuguese (Originally in Portuguese)
A Segunda Vinda De Cristo à Terra, João Cerqueira, Estaçaõ Imaginária
Once Upon
a Time in Rio, Francisco Azevedo, Atria Books
Best Children’s Picture Book in Portuguese (Originally in another language)
Dance Recital, Jill Barletti, Snowflake Stories, LLC Maria and the Lost Calf,
Kate Morejohn; Illustrated: Dwight Morejohn, Portuguese Heritage Publications
of California, Inc
Best Book – Nonfiction in Portuguese (Originally in another language)
Intuição: Orientação da Alma para as Decisões de Vida, Sri Daya Mata,
Self-Realization Fellowship Jornada para a autorrealização, Paramahansa
Yogananda, Self-Realization Fellowship Tracks in the Amazon, Gary Neeleman
& Rose Neeleman, University of Utah Press
Best Latino Focused Book Design
How Chile Came to Mexico, Rudolfo Anaya; Designer: Nicolas Otoro, Rio Grande
Sabores Yucatecos: Un Recorrido Culinario a Yucatán, Gilberto Cetina,
Katharine A. Díaz, & Gilberto Cetina, Jr.; Illustrator: David Mir, WPR
Best Cover Design
Ciencias Naturales: Imágenes de Flora y Fauna, Fabio Ramírez, S.J.;
Photographer: Andrés Mauricio López, Villegas Editores
Las flores del mal,
Charles Baudelaire; Photographer, Victor Ramírez y Fiona Morrison, Vaso Roto
Best Cover Illustration
Micaela, Adalucía, Cholita Prints and Publishing Company View From The Pier,
Herman Sillas, WPR Publishing
Best Cover Photo
Colombia Horizontes, Photographer: Felipe Luque; Designer: Benjamín Villegas,
Villegas Editores Dream to Achieve, Joseph Gutiz, New Trends Press
Discovering the Richness of the Latino Culture and Family, Lorena Garza
Gonzalez, Urban Strategies
Best Interior Design
Fotografía en Antioquia, Jaime Osorio Gómez; Designer: Benjamín Villegas,
Villegas Editores
How Chile Came to Mexico, Rudolfo Anaya; Designer: Nicolas
Otoro, Rio Grande Books
Poesía eres tú, F. Isabel Campoy; Designer: Jaqueline
Rivera/ Grafi(k)a LLC, Santillana USA Publishing Company
Best Use of Photos Inside the Book
Parques Naturales de Colombia, Julia Miranda; Designer: Benjamín Villegas,
Villegas Editores
Best Use of Illustrations Inside the Book
Ciencias Naturales: Imágenes de Flora y Fauna, Fabio Ramírez, S.J. & Juan
David Giraldo; Photographer: Andrés Mauricio López, Villegas Editores
How Chile
Came to Mexico, Rudolfo Anaya; Designer: Nicolas Otoro, Rio Grande Books
Best Children’s Picture Book Translation - Spanish to English
Avian Kingdom Feathered: Neither Night nor Day, Karen Chacek, Translator: Sonia
Verjovsky, TechStudios, LL
Best Children’s Picture Book Translation - English to Spanish
Conoce a Gabriel García Márquez, Mónica Brown/ Translator: Isabel C. Mendoza,
Santillana USA Publishing Company
El Gato Ensombrerado, Dr. Seuss; Translator:
Georgina Lazaro and Teresa Maiwer, Random House Books for Young Readers
Secretos en la Nieve, Virginia Kroll/ Nívola Uyá; Translator: Jimena Licitra,
Cuento de Luz
Best Nonfiction Book Translation - English to Spanish
Decreación, Anne Carson; Translator: Jeannette L. Clariond, Vaso Roto Ediciones
El vino del místico: El Rubaiyat de Omar Khayyam, Paramahansa Yogananda,
Self-Realization Fellowship Sabores Yucatecos: Un recorrido culinario a
Yucatán, Gilberto Cetina, Katharine A. Díaz, & Gilberto Cetina, Jr.;
Translator: Marissa Marrufo, WPR Publishing
Best Fiction Book Translation - Spanish to English
The Heart Has Its Reasons, María Dueñas, Atria Books
Best Fiction Book Translation - English to Spanish
Así Habló Penélope, Tino Villanueva; Translator: Nuria Brufau Alvira,
Universidad de Alcalá, Instituto Franklin
Best First Book - Children & Youth – English
Endeavour’s Long Journey, John D. Olivas, East West Discovery Press
The Legend
of the Colombian Mermaid, Janet Balletta, WRB Publishing
The Wild Chihuahuas of
Mexico, Traude Gomez Rhine, Tampico Press Books
Who’s Ju?, Dania Ramos,
Northampton House Press
Best First Book - Children & Youth – Spanish or Bilingual
La Flor Mágica, Emanuel Franco, La Pereza Ediciones
Los Cuentos para Soñar de
mi Nana Luna, Nora Girón-Dolce, Nora Glizon
Best First Book - Nonfiction – English
Raising Bilingual Children, Maritere Rodriguez Bellas, Atria
Books The
Beat of My Own Heart, Sheila E. with Wendy Holden, Atria Books
Flesh-and-Blood Aesthetics of Alejandro Morales, Marc García-Martínez, The San
Diego State University
View From The Pier, Herman Sillas, WPR Publishing
Best First Book - Fiction – English
Covering the Sun with My Hand, Theresa Varela, Aignos Publishing, Inc.
Covering the Sun with My Hand, Theresa Varela, Aignos Publishing, Inc.
Sight, Eduarda Amondragon, Create Space Independent Publishing Raw Man, Fred
Rivera, A Word With You Press The 16 Rule, Evelyn Gonzalez, Friesen Press
Best First Book - Fiction – Spanish or Bilingual
Coleccionista de Almas, Bertha Jacobson, Bertha Jacobson
En El Umbral De Tu
Voz, Dalia Stella González, Terranova Editores
La casa en que vivo no tiene
dirección, Hugo Rodríguez Díaz, País Invisible-editores
Tras esas gafas de sol,
María Bird Picó, Publicaciones Te Pienso
Upcoming Cuba Events at the Bildner Center
The Cuban Revolution of 1959 made many promises, but if they could be condensed into one formulation it would be the promise of "a future.” All Cubans would join in the march forward in time to a socialist future of equality and communal prosperity. To be sure, the first thirty years of the revolution followed a twisting path rather than an expressway toward that future. However, the fall of the Soviet Union and the subsequent withdrawal of Cuba’s economic safety net from its communist allies created a crisis beyond extreme material hardship. The so called Special Period fomented a crisis in the nature of revolutionary time.
"Cuba's Economic Adjustment in the early 90s"
Mario González-Corzo, Lehman College, CUNY
Mario González-Corzo, Lehman College, CUNY
"Contact Zones: Cuban Art and Institutions under the Special Period"
Ernesto Menéndez-Conde, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Ernesto Menéndez-Conde, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Dr. Menéndez-Conde will discuss the ‘contact zones’ between artists and
institutions during the Special period, focusing on three main
challenges faced by Cuban artists: 1) The problem of the social function
or art, an unresolved conflict posited by young artists
in their confrontations with institutions during the late eighties; 2)
the need for finding a space in the international art market; and 3) the
need of conciliating new artistic trends and contemporary aesthetic
debates within the new context of economic crisis
and widespread skepticism towards both the future of socialism and the
historical leadership of the Cuban Revolution.
"Cuestionando la utopía"
Iliana Cepero, New York University
Iliana Cepero, New York University
Dr. Cepero will approach the documentary and conceptual photographic
practices of 1990s Cuba through the work of Ramón Pacheco, Cristóbal
Herrera, Ricardo G. Elías, Carlos Garaicoa, Manuel Piña, among others.
Cuban photographers of those years used the camera
as a critical tool to document the malaise of the society at the time,
pervaded by scarcity, hopelessness and isolation. They foregrounded
social issues that have been considered taboo in previous decades, such
as poverty, racism, and migration. The urban
landscape was approached as an archaeological ruin that expressed the
conflict between political failure and architectural utopia.
Photographic images from the Special Period also set to deconstruct
post-revolutionary national history through the questioning
of the photographic tradition of the so-called epic photography of the
Moderator: Ana María Hernández,
LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Mario A. González-Corzo
(Ph.D., Rutgers University) is Associate Professor at the Department of
Economics at Lehman College, CUNY. His research interests and areas of
specialization include
Cuba’s post-Soviet economic developments, the role of remittances in
the Cuban economy, and Cuba’s banking and agricultural sectors.
Ernesto Menéndez-Conde (Ph.D., Duke University) is an Assistant Professor of Spanish at LaGuardia Community College. He is the Editor in Chief of
an online art magazine. His areas of research are related to
contemporary Cuban art, aesthetic ideologies, and theories of the image.
He has published in journals and magazines in
New York City, Spain, Havana, and Miami.
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Iliana Cepero
(Ph.D., Stanford University) is a Cuban art historian, curator, and art
critic. Her dissertation on visual propaganda in Argentina under
Peronism (1946-1955) was awarded in 2012
with the Fifth Annual Joan and Stanford Alexander Award in Photography
Research from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Her professional career
includes curatorial work at the Fototeca de Cuba and at the Ludwig
Foundation of Cuba. She was also assistant curator
of the Montreal Biennal in 2007, and co-curated the exhibition "Cuba:
Art and History. From 1868 to today" held at the Montreal Museum of Fine
Arts in 2008. She has written and lectured extensively on Cuban art and
photography. She has taught courses on Latin
American art and photography at the New School, Hunter College, and
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TO REGISTER send an e-mail tobildner@gc.cuny.edu
Update on the Cuban Economy and US-Cuba Relations
SAVE THE DATE: Monday, June 1, 2015 |
The one-day colloquium organized by Bildner Center for Western
Hemisphere Studies features specialists from the University of Havana,
CUNY, and other academic institutions. Themes: Update on Cuban reforms;
impact of shifts in US-Cuba relations, public sector
reform, local development and decentralization, cooperatives and
self-employment, agricultural, currency issues.
Registration is required.
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1 comment:
Thanks for posting the list of Finalists for the 2015 International Latino Book Awards.
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