year I've got the Bob Cratchit shift here at La Bloga – Christmas
Eve. I could just wish you all some merriness, but with all the
hysteria and political turmoil sweeping over the planet, guaranteeing
that the coming election year will be one of the weirdest ever, I
feel the need to say a few things.

traditions and symbols from Europe and colder climes dominate even
down here in Center and Lower Arizona. Plastic snowmen and styrofoam
snowflakes gleam in the desert sun, next to the cactus. It's like an
alien invasion has forced us to pretend we're living in the world of
our conquerors.

Christ and his message of universal love does get lost in the
shuffle, but then, without the constitutional separation of church
and state, America would be a Puritan dystopia. Some Americans would
like that, the ones dreaming of living in an anti-terrorist police
state with closed borders.
didn't think you could have closed borders without a police state to
enforce it, did you? Some people will believe anything.

grist for the recombocultural/rasquache mill, the Chicano thing to
be merry, cabrónes! Visit and call your loved ones. Eat some
tamales. Soak up some Christmas cheer. May the blessings of Xochipilli
alter your consciousness, if needed.
madness will wait until the new year.
Ernest Hogan is an All-Purpose Heathen Devil guided by the crazy stuff
Tezcatlipoca chatters into his ear. He claims to be a writer and
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