Ernest Hogan
still be on vacation, wandering about Aztlan, when this goes up.
Traveling through my native territories, the sacred Aztec homeland,
always I inspires me. My brain devours images, sensations,
experiences, merrily chews them up, and pukes out weird ideas. I
can’t help it.
been asked, “How do you decide that you’re going to be creative
don’t know. It just happens. All the time. I can’t make it stop.
I’m even creative in my sleep--you should see my dreams!
guess it’s just the sort of Chicano I am: a Chicanonaut, forever
crossing some newfangled border.
doesn’t seem to be any official definition of “extra-fiction,”
but I like the sound of it, the way it suggests something more that
just plain, old boring fiction. Staying inside prescribed limits,
especially when it comes to creative pursuits, has never been a habit
of mine. I’m trying to keep mind open, hoping that those of you who
send in stories will come up with things that I never would.
I can offer a few hints.
announcement indicated a taste funky sci-fi as opposed to alta classe
speculative fiction, with a taste for the folklore of the Latinoid
continuum. That opens up most of the planet, since the Global Barrio
already takes up one hemisphere with colonies
I use that hated word? the Spanish-speaking world tends to use it
instead of barrio)
in the other. I also dream of a Galactic Barrio . . .
too much to dream?
not? What kind of pendejos put limits on their dreams?
This often happens while you’re going about your
everyday business in your own barrio/neighborhood/colony. You see
things differently from Anglos because of your Latinoid
consciousness. With your cultural and genetic mestizaje it should
come natural.
does for me.
only thing that holds us back from dominating the sci-fi/fantasy biz
is the backward idea that we are a minority whose visions don’t have
a viable global market. If you look at the global market, it
seems to have a brown majority. Our culture needs to get
its head straight if it’s going to function in the future.
my own writing, I’m inspired when I discover--or invent--new ways
of being Chicano/Latinoid. It would be nice to see that, but I’d
also be disappointed to see stories that are obviously influenced by me.
I’d be flattered, but disappointed.
I’m hoping for is to get my mind blown. Is that too much to dream?
Ernest Hogan, the Father of Chicano Science Fiction, and author of Smoking Mirror Blues.
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