Thank Tezcatlipoca, my crazy career has been demanding my attention lately, giving me a break from the political pendejada that has been sweeping across the planet. The stench of batshit is worse than that in certain Mayan pyramids. But the madness is too big to ignore.
And what madness. Not just a border emergency, shutting down the Southern border, but all kinds of emergencies we never dreamed of.
I’m reminded of a scene in the old sci-fi film Enemy from Space, where a calm voice in a British accent said over a loudspeaker, “EMERGENCY. EMERGENCY. SHOOT TO KILL. SHOOT TO KILL.” I was always disturbed by the fact that no instructions were given on exactly who to shoot.
What is the emergency? Every conspiracy theory. Who is the enemy? It looks like everybody is an “other,” even if you voted for this mess.
The Felon-in-Chief is alienating–or should I say pissing off?--all our allies. Canada and Mexico are mad at us.
Suddenly, the borders of the United State of America aren’t enough. The Felon wants Canada, Greenland, and is willing to hand half of the Ukraine to Putin and steal their resources. Imperialism is back. With a vengeance.
Proving that borders are imaginary–a hallucination that people choose to believe in–folks in Oregon want their border moved so they can be in Idaho, the same with some Illinois folks and Indiana. Shouldn’t be surprised. History books are full of maps showing how it all gets rearranged. With the exception of the U.S./Mexico border (Why? Hmm . . .), a lot of people want to redraw the maps again.
Borders are not only imaginary, they are largely unnatural, created by human beings through conflict and self-interest. Where you see a straight line on a map, there are unresolved conflicts bubbling away.
And now the bubbles are reaching the surface, getting ready to burst.
This is what happens when you choose to deal with diplomacy with a chainsaw rather than a scalpel.
Now the gargoyles have taken over the cathedral, as I heard Ray Bradbury and Harlan Ellison say and each attributing it to the other, back when the Watergate scandal broke. This time the gargoyles are uglier, meaner and stupider. Muy estupido.
And it’s looking like the beginning of a bloody mess. I hope to Izpopalotl, the Goddess of Nightmares, that it’s just my sci-fi imagination running amok, but what’s a Chicano scifiista to do?
These changes are already having an effect on culture. Hollywood and the media are going chickenshit, will publishing follow?
Guess I have to go underground again, a cultural desperado, using creativity as a weapon and displaying in weird, new venues. When the going gets tough, the tough get creative. Lookout, here comes a whole lot of guerrilla worldbuilding.
We need to re-draw some maps, and transform the landscape.
Welcome to New Aztlán, cabrones!
Ernest Hogan will be teaching “Gonzo Science Fiction, Chicano Style” via Zoom at Palabras del Pueblo Writing Workshop in June. The focus will be on aesthetic terrorism, creative blasphemy, and guerrilla worldbuilding.