If you're here putting off any more shopping or wrapping of presents, maybe you needed a break from the commercialization of Xmas. But you're not necessarily looking for any profound thoughts, so I'll just give you snippets to consider with a few noncommodities you might stuff into your stocking:
You might give blessings to parents who taught their kids that the Naughty & Nice list still matters. It's fundamental to however you describe the "true" Xmas spirit. Draw your own conclusions.
There's still time to start your own tradition. My family held our annual Holiday Sharing last night with family and friends, where an original guitar composition, a Chicano Xmas "radio show" performance, a homemade video of a 90-year-old father was shown, new non-war lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner were sung, harmonicas accompanied Xmas caroling, homemade nut bark got munched all around and paintings inspired by a Japanese artist were all shared. A non-gift event.
Consider that tomorrow there will be millions of Americans who thank the gods that only hunger, homelessness or unemployment have hit them--not all three.
Enjoy Neil Gaiman's 100-word Nicholas story. For free. Scroll down from here.
Thank Santa that the Occupy Wall Street movement began in our lifetime. Then thank all the gods that it continue growing past year's end.
Anticipate that Manuel Ramos's Best-Reads for 2011 from La Bloga contributors is coming Dec. 30.
When you're done here, go eat something good or chat with someone before returning to your regular broadcast.
And take La Bloga's best holiday wishes for you and your people.
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