Presenting a few suggestions on what to do when you're crossways with your muse, or stuck mid-page, or just lacking ambition. Give it a rest, get out of the house. For example:
For you writers who also happen to be gardeners, chile cooks, salsa experts, and/or Chicano music aficionados, how about a weekend trip to Nick's Garden Center and Farm Market in beautiful Aurora, CO? Nick's is a great place for all kinds of stuff. This year's crowd at the Chile Fest will be entertained by Denver music legend Johnny Rodriguez y los Diamantes. Here's more info, or visit Nick's website.
Nick's: 2001 South Chambers Road * Aurora, CO 80014 * (303) 696-6657
Sometimes checking out a creative superstar at the top of his game is what's needed to kick out that old writer's block. It doesn't get any better than Carlos Frésquez and his Chicanismo exhibit. Now on display at the O'Sullivan Art Gallery on the Regis University campus.
Cool Couple Series #10 |
Carlos Frésquez -- "Chicanismo"
August 25 - October 1, 2015
Opening Reception - September 3, 4:30-7 pm
Gallery Talk by the Artist - September 10, 7 pm
3333 Regis Boulevard, C-4, Denver 80221 - 303-964-3634
Also at Regis, the Inspired Thinker series presents Daniel Valdez.

"Origins . . . Discovering Self-Identity"
Regis University’s Department of Fine and Performing Arts is proud to host 2015 Inspired Thinker playwright, actor, and musician Daniel Valdez at 7:30 p.m., September 16 in the Claver Recital Hall.
Nationally acclaimed for his original works, Valdez is a founding member of El Teatro Campesino, an American theater group widely recognized for its role in furthering the Chicano Civil Rights Movement. Valdez will deliver his lecture recital, “Origins: Discovering Self-Identity,” followed by a reception. Both events are free and open to the public, though reservations are encouraged. Reserve your seat online through the Department of Fine and Performing Arts at
For more than 30 years Valdez has been originating political entertainment, music, and plays that chronicle the drama and humor of a generation of Latinos that sparked the United Farmworkers Union organizing movement in the 1960s. In 2014 Valdez was Artist in Residence at Su Teatro, a multidisciplinary cultural arts center in Denver. _____________________________________________________________________________
More Regis - an exhibit and talk by a photographer who captured Chicano history with his camera -
Juan Espinosa
Chicano Movement 1971-1974 One Man’s Perspective
Fireplace Lounge, Dayton Memorial Library
September 2 - October 15
Opening reception: Tuesday September 15, 4:00-6:00 pm
Stimulate the brain with a series of talks and presentations about U.S. history and culture -
El Movimiento: Looking Back, Looking Forward
is a series of community dialogues sponsored by AARP. Join us as we
hear from panelists about El Movimiento and where we are today.
All programs begin at 6 P.M.
Cost: $5 nonmembers; $4 History Colorado members; $3 AARP members
Art and Culture of El Movimiento
Wednesday, September 16
Explore the art, music, poetry and dance of El Movimiento and how the
arts were important to the movement. Panelists include Dr. Ramon Del
Castillo, renowned poet and Chair of Chicana/o Studies at MSU Denver,
Flo Hernandez Ramos, founder and past CEO of jazz station KUVO;
nationally acclaimed artist and founding member of the Crusade for
Justice Emanuel Martinez; and artist Carlos Santistevan, who founded the
first Chicano art gallery in the country. Moderated by donnie l. betts.
The Latino Experience in Vietnam
Wednesday, October 21
The Vietnam War and the
Chicano Movement are inextricably linked. Latino soldiers died at a
disproportionately high rate during the war, and many came home
wondering why the democratic ideals they fought for abroad were denied
to them at home. Join us for a discussion that looks at the Latino
experience in Vietnam and the Chicano and Anti-war movements.
Chicano Teatro Stereotypes, Icons and Other Contradictions
Tuesday, November 10
Su Teatro, Denver's nationally acclaimed theatre company, will present Luis Valdez's Los Vendidos as well as I Think I'm Turning Mexican
by Tony Garcia. Artistic director/playwright Garcia will host an
evening of performance and discussion examining the role of Chicano
Theatre as a political and social tool for criticism and community
engagement. The discussion could include any or all of the following;
collective rantings, reflections and reasonable responses.
1200 Broadway
Denver, CO 80203
(303) 447-8679
(This always works for me) You could drink beer and support a good cause -
The Bruja Brew Fest, featuring Colorado craft breweries and cider
makers, will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2015, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
in conjunction with the Sister Cities International Tasting Festival.
The event will take place outdoors in the beautiful gardens and placita
of El Pueblo History Museum. The museum marks the original site of Fort
Pueblo where residents and visitors traded agriculture and spirits. The
Bruja Brew Fest celebrates this rich southern Colorado culture and
history while increasing awareness of Colorado's agricultural tourism
and products.
** All proceeds from the event will provide scholarship opportunities
for local children to attend the museum's Hands-On History after school
program. Hands-On History is an interactive after school program that
provides a safe and engaging learning environment for elementary level
children with programs such as pottery, folklorico dancing, modern
homesteading, and archeology. **
301 North Union
Pueblo, CO 81003
Get lost at the "largest Latino-themed environmental festival."
Colorado to Host Largest Latino-themed Environmental Festival for the 3rd Year
DENVER — Speakers and events are being finalized for the 3rd Annual Americas Latino Eco Festival (ALEF) taking place in Denver, October 15-17, 2015. With its theme, A Climate of Hope: Where Conservation Meets the Future,
ALEF is co produced by Americas for Conservation + the Arts (AFC+A) and
Sachamama, and is co presented with Earthjustice, Great Outdoors
Colorado, GreenLatinos, Conservation Colorado, and Climate Reality.
ALEF, the largest multicultural event of its kind, establishes a home
for advocates and leaders from leading organizations with Latino
constituencies and environmental mandates.
Over 300 presenters and participants, and an audience of over 7, 000 October 15 Metro State University October 16-17 Denver Art Museum, History Colorado & Denver Public Library
convenes Latino advocates and leaders from across the country to
celebrate Latino culture and history and advance an integrated local and
national conservation agenda. ALEF 2015 will launch an authoritative
climate-training program and call for action on climate stewardship,
land conservation, and the transition to renewable energies. There will
be 3 days of presentations, workshops, concerts, films, readings, art,
family activities and more.
I have a feeling that this next event might be of interest to only a few, myself included. Seems appropriate though.
October 23, 2015 - January 31, 2016
The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes will test your powers
of observation. Science and history combine, bringing to life the
Victorian era vividly portrayed in the beloved Sherlock Holmes stories,
masterminded by physician-turned-author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The game
is a foot! Work side by side Sherlock Holmes, testing your powers of
observation and interpretation. Conduct forensic tests to unlock a
message from Sherlock himself to shed light on a mysterious crime
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
2001 Colorado Blvd Denver, CO 80205
Museum open daily 9 am - 5 pm
(This is obvious, no?) For you PEN members, how about spending some time with a few of your favorite authors at a great bookstore to get the creative juices worked up again?
So much happening. Soak it all up.
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