Unless something changes, tonight Saturday Night Live will have Donald Duck Trump as its host. In the "land of the free and home of the brave," the event will be a despicable indication of how right-wing concepts hog the political landscape.
There's still time to go here, here, y aquí to add your
disgust to the thousands who've petitioned the producers and network to Dump
Trump. Register your complaint, your beliefs, your outrage, for that matter.
week Alvaro Huerta of the Tribune News Service posted "Trump is no laughing
matter." Here's excerpts:
"Saturday Night Live should
cancel Donald Trump's appearance on its iconic show.
"Trump has labeled Mexican immigrants as "drug dealers," "criminals" and "rapists." If elected, he plans to deport more than 11 million undocumented immigrants and strip their U.S.-born children of citizenship.
"Trump wishes to revisit
dark chapters in America's past. He is doubling down on his proposed
"huge" U.S.-Mexico border wall, which the Mexican government will
somehow miraculously pay for under his plan.
Alvaro Huerta teaches at Cal
State Polytech Univ., Pomona and is the author of Reframing the Latino Immigration Debate: Towards a Humanistic Paradigm.
Read his entire Trump article here.
Also, on Al Día, Sabrina Vourvoulias--author of Ink--compiled a great post entitled Flashing Trump: Latino writers
tell off Trump in 140-character narratives. It
includes a short piece of mine.
Assuming SNL proceeds with Trump
tonight, the next logical step would be to give the network the kinds of
numbers that would get its attention. Not only should Latinos and those who
respect them not watch tonight's program, beginning tomorrow, if SNL believes there IS room for hate on its stage, then it should be time to post and spread
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