The following is an open letter from the writer and Con Tinta board member, Richard Yañez, which I want to share with La Bloga’s readers:
Friends of Con Tinta:
On behalf of my fellow Advisory Circle members, I send you warm greetings at the close of another year. We hope it has been a fruitful one and that your work—on & off the page—is thriving. As we achieved on two previous occasions, Con Tinta is hosting a celebration at the upcoming AWP conference in New York City, which is scheduled for January 30 - February 2, 2008.
Con Tinta’s annual event will feature an award presentation, poetry readings, and a buffet/cash bar. Mojitos' Bar/Restaurant (227 East 116 Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenue) will host our event on Thursday, January 31st from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
This year’s recipients of the Con Tinta award will be Sandra María Esteves and Tato Laviera. These two unheralded heroes of the northeast are being recognized for their years of work and history of publication. Their contributions to Latino literature are numerous and have left their mark on our community. They reflect our mission of affirming a pro-active presence in American literature. Our previous recipients were Rolando Hinojosa-Smith, raúlrsalinas, and Judith Ortiz Cofer.
We are also excited about the evening’s program including a reading hosted by Acentos Bronx Poetry Showcase. Rich Villar is our ally in NYC who is coordinating with local artists and helping spread the word about the evening’s line-up.
At this time, Con Tinta is soliciting donations from organizations and individuals to help offset costs ($1500.00) for this event. In return, we will be sure to publicly thank all donors and supporters during the course of the evening’s events and also in the event’s program. I am the Con Tinta member collecting funds and all donations can be sent to me at the address at the top. Checks should be made out to "Richard Yañez."
Please consider yourself and your guest(s) invited to our Con Tinta celebration. If you have any questions, please contact me at richyanez@hotmail.com / 915-831-2630.
We look forward to having you share this special evening with us.
◙ From many sources, we’ve learned the sad news that Alexander “Sandy” Taylor, co-founder of Curbstone Pres

“So I will say with all candor--I would not be here as writer, lecturer and editor if it were not for Sandy Taylor. Such debt can never, ever be repaid. Yet Sandy lives on in the people he's touched, cajoled, rallied for, and celebrated. He lives on in his own poetry and translations. He lives on in the wondrous but economically unstable small publishing world that he helped create--where the best of this country still values what matters, and against all odds and economic advise continue to make books that will out live all of us.”
Francisco Aragón also offers his thoughts on the passing of Sandy. And as Richard Yañez put it in an e-mail to friends and colleagues: “In Memory for a warrior of words!”
◙ Rigoberto González reviews Alicia Gaspar de Alba’s new novel, Calligraphy of the Witch (St. Martin’s Press). Of the protagonist, he notes, in part:
“Concepción Benavídez is an unfortunate soul who mak

◙ Speaking of Rigoberto González, he dropped an e-mail to

◙ I have a little (and I do mean little) story in a new anthology, You Have Time for This : Contemporary American Short-Short Stories (Ooligan Press), edited by Mark Budman and Tom Hazuka. I’m in some wonderful company…the anthology includes flash fiction by Aimee Bender, Steve Almond, and many others.
◙ Many fine authors ended up on best-of-the-year

Newsweek included The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao on its top ten list for 2007 stating: "A quantum leap beyond the short stories that made Díaz’s reputation a decade ago. And one hell of a ride.”
And Helena María Viramontes ended up on

◙ Michele Martinez’s suspense novel, Cover-up : A Novel of Suspense (HarperCollins), is now in paperback. Check it out!
◙ The El Paso Times reports on El Paso native Raymundo "Ray" Eli Rojas’s return to his hometown after completing his degree from the University of Kansas Law School but “he

◙ All done. So, until next Monday, enjoy the intervening posts from my compadres y comadres at La Bloga. ¡Lea un libro! --Daniel Olivas