Friday, July 12, 2024

Photo Album: Ramas y Raices

The Colorado Alliance of Latino Mentors and Authors (CALMA) launched its anthology Ramas y Raices:  The Best of CALMA, on June 29.  The anthology editor, Mario Acevedo, selected twenty-three pieces for the anthology that reflect the diversity and broad talent of the CALMA membership. The launch featured readings by fourteen of the contributors.  The launch was a jubilant affair with poetry, fiction, essays, and opinion pieces flying through the Saturday afternoon, cheered on by the celebrating audience.  It was easy to conclude that CALMA had presented its first Floricanto.  Here are a few photos of the event taken by Victoria Montoya, who also read for her mother Beatrice Apodaca-Montoya.  

Mario Acevedo, Editor

                                                                                        Anita Jepson-Gilbert

Ramon Del Castillo

                                                                                                    José Aguayo

Kimberley Sánchez


                                                                                    Maria A. Ramirez

                                                                                    Ricardo J. Bogaert-Alvarez

Jo Elizabeth Pinto

                                                                                                         Karen D. Gonzales

Elena Guerrero Townsend

                                                    Manuel Ramos

Sorry, no photographs of readers Ricardo LaForeCharlene Garcia Simms.



Manuel Ramos writes crime fiction. Read his latest story, Northside Nocturne, in the award-winning anthology Denver Noir, edited by Cynthia Swanson, published by Akashic Books.

1 comment:

Thelma T. Reyna said...

Good for CALMA! Good for Colorado. Much success to all these authors and their supporters.