Thursday, August 22, 2024

Chicanonautica: Weirdo Summer Update


So, we’ve got a summer of change, a helluvalot of it. I can’t keep up with it. A clever wisecrack about the political situation becomes obsolete by the time I post it. The Latinoid is still a popular target for the backward types. Guess I need to take a few breaths, see how things are working out in the long run.

Meanwhile, I’m going to be teaching my “Gonzo Science Fiction, Chicano Style” class again online, at Palabras del Pueblo, October 5-6, & 12-13. And you don’t have to be a Chicano, just somewhere in the vast, planet-embracing Latinoid continuum with a wild imagination fueled by your culture, and ready to blast off to places no Anglo has dreamed of.

I’m also picking the winners of the Somos en escrito Extra Fiction contest again. Send your submissions between August 1st and November 1st. I’m going to be in the mood for synapse-scorching reading material.

No matter who wins the election, if it’s closer to utopia or dystopia—and I am aware that what is utopia to some is dystopia to others—we’re going to need visions, to either give us some clues, or keep us ready to deal with the unexpected.

And is there ever a motherload of the unexpected coming down, causing strange things to grow inside my brain . . .

Ernest Hogan wants you to remember, that’s “Gonzo Science Fiction, Chicano Style” at the Fall 2024 Palabras del Pueblo Writing Workshop, online, and Extra Fiction contest. Then there's the matter of  this book called Guerrilla Mural of a Siren's Song . . .

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